I actually wrote these thoughts back in May, as I was pondering the things I had learned in school the previous semester and the wonder of the world around us. Since I don’t have time to write a full post tonight, I thought I would take the opportunity to share them again.
On my way home from work the other day, I got to thinking. I was really just noticing the beauty of nature– the cloudy sky, the brightness of the day in spite of it, the greenness of the trees and grass. The combination of all these sort of swept over me, and this song by Josh Wilson came to my mind:
Right in Front of Me
Some say we’ve all been searching for a God for years in vain
And some say belief is just the easy way around our pain
And sometimes I’d like to agree when they’re telling me that this is all an accident
Because it’s hard to let this heart believe when my mind is screaming out
“I need more evidence!”
But do I really need more evidence?
I want a miracle, something impossible.
So would you help me to believe
When you say everything that’s right in front of me is all the proof I’ll ever need?
I hear it in the winter wind that blows the icy snow against my skin
And I see it in that summer sun that rises high and then burns out again
I feel it in my chest in the quiet moments that I trust in what you say
Would you help me trust in what you say?
I want a miracle, something impossible.
So would you help me to believe
When you say everything that’s right in front of me is all the proof I’ll ever need?
Maybe this is what it means to question You and still believe
To search and still be satisfied
To know and yet to wonder why
To put my faith in things I doubt
To love what I can’t figure out
Maybe this is what it means
To want a miracle, something impossible
But have the faith to still believe
When You say everything that’s right in front of me is all the proof I’ll ever need
Don’t need a miracle, something impossible that makes You easy to believe
When you say everything that’s right in front of me is all the proof I’ll ever need
You’re all the proof I’ll ever need, so would you help me to believe?
The more I learn in school about science (biology, weather, chemistry, geology), math, psychology, ethics, and even logic, have solidified my testimony of the Lord so much. Biology is one thing I really got to thinking about as I was driving. The conditions necessary for life to exist are so finite, it is impossible for my mind to accept that mere coincidence could have allowed for the perfectly hospitable world we live in to even be created, let alone for life to emerge from it without an outside stimulus. How could humans become intelligent beings if there were no greater Intelligence from which we emerged? If it were purely a matter of evolutionary development, then why don’t plants and trees (which have been around much longer than we have) have brains like we do? Even seemingly trivial things like sunlight amaze me. To look at the sun and realize that from millions of miles away, we are still receiving light and heat from its burning mass; and to further consider that we are one planet, tiny in comparison to its size, not to mention the countless other planets and stars in our galaxy and others that we have not even discovered yet. It is quite awe-inspiring to think about.
Floyd Weston, telling of his experience listening to Dr. Albert Einstein’s address to a group of faculty at the California Institute of Technology, shared this quote from Dr. Einstein himself: “Gentlemen, the more I delve into the science of this universe the more firmly do I believe that one God or force or influence has organized all of this for our discovery.” I could not agree more.