Greetings, family!
2020 was an eventful year for the Nunez family. A few stats to keep everyone up-to-date:
- Emma transitioned jobs in January 2020, still working from home, but now doing in-house marketing for TAB Bank
- Jeric is continuing his undergraduate studies in Design Technology
- Emma got a FitBit in February 2020, and by committing to daily walks and at-home yoga practices, lost over 15 lbs between July and November
- Jeric took a creative writing class in the Fall and produced two very well-crafted fantasy short stories and 10 free verse poems that his professor and classmates collectively praised
- Emma is nearing the end of her MBA/Masters in Marketing
- Jeric is developing skills in photography, photoshop, and logo design in his free time
- Emma participated in NaPoWriMo with Ember and Stephanie, and completed NaNoWriMo for the first time ever
- Jeric continues to work part-time at the local Amazon Fulfillment Center
- Jasper is best friends with the golden doodle who lives next door (Lucy) and does his best to greet every neighbor that he sees
This blog is a pet project that first occurred to me in late November. I tried to cut down on my social media use this year, and finally succeeded in October when late-pandemic and pre-election tensions and commentary were too much for me to handle. I reflected often throughout the year that I would likely opt to avoid Facebook altogether if it weren’t the primary means of connecting with so many of my family and friends—particularly those living in the Philippines.
I also thought about members of my family that aren’t active (or even registered) on Facebook, which includes my own parents. Email does a nice job of connecting us administratively (i.e. planning for reunions), but I wished there was a way to keep up more closely with the many branches of our beloved family tree. Jeric and I look forward to the family campout each year, but I inevitably fail to catch up even with everyone who attends, let alone the ones who are unable to make it.
I found myself imagining a central source where family members could share news and happenings throughout the year in an easy and low-stress way. What if there was a Clark Family blog, where each family unit could take a turn posting for the benefit of the rest of the family.