Sister Franks in the MTC – June 29, 2013

Hello all!!

There is a lot of craziness going on in my little MTC life right now, but the craziest is realizing that I leave here in just over 48 hours! The past 6 weeks have definitely flown by! It’s really weird, though, because leaving doesn’t feel real. I imagine it will probably take until Monday morning (when the other half of our district leaves) for it to really sink in. Or once I’m on the plane.

At any rate, we’ve all been trying to make the most of this week! I’ve been working especially hard on SYL (“speak your language”), and did pretty decently for most of the week. The past two days I’ve slacked off a lot because we had In-Field Orientation yesterday, which was in English, and today is Preparation Day. I’ve almost completely reached my goal, though, of being able to express what I want to (even if not in the most eloquent way), and not having to leave anything out of my prayers or not say what I’m thinking because I don’t know how. It’s crazy but exciting. I honestly have a testimony more than ever that the Gift of Tongues is real (even more than learning Hebrew), if we just open our eyes and recognize it.

Last Saturday night, we had the chance to meet with our new mission president and his wife while they were here for the new mission president seminar. They are both super nice, but they are both native Filippinos so I have a feeling they’ll be talking to us all in Tagalog which is a little scary. They were really nice when we met with them though, and spoke English. 🙂

It’s hard to believe the worldwide broadcast was only last Sunday. It feels like so long ago! Most of the Elders and Sisters from my district were (noticeably) on camera at some point. I’m really only visible in the picture on the (LDS Newsroom?) article about the broadcast, but it’s actually super okay, because it was just awesome to be there! (And we got the best seats, because the choir got to sit in the season ticket holder seats in the Marriott Center).

The devotional on Tuesday was so much fun! Janice Kapp Perry and her husband spoke to us. Aside from being a wonderful message, the best part was that we got to sing a bunch of primary songs in the middle of the devotional! I loved it so much! At the end, also, we sang the EFY medley, but instead of the “As Sisters in Zion” part, we sang the new lyrics that she wrote (“The Sisters of Zion” — you should be able to find the lyrics online somewhere, but it’s great. We sing it almost every week in Relief Society here and it is so powerful). It was so amazing, firstly just to be singing it with so many people (over 3000 now I think), but also to look around at all of those faithful servants of the Lord, and realize what a miracle it really is that we are all here at this time, and the significance of the work that we will be able to accomplish together. That’s one of the things that’s struck me the most this week–how even though we might feel like our own contribution to the world isn’t anything particularly special, when we realize the bigger picture and how our work combines with the work of all the other Saints, we truly can (and do) accomplish miracles.

Also, I love all the new sisters so much!! I’m going to miss everyone I’ve met here so much. I’ve been truly blessed. 🙂

The other thing of note is that it has gotten around my zone that I can beatbox. The elders in the district just younger than us are especially fascinated by it and kept asking me to show them. I’ve done pretty well to avoid it, but Elder Hart and I had a jam session at the end of gym on Wednesday and a lot of people “overheard” (not super hard since we were at the field, but I just didn’t think about it), so it’s been a little harder since then. I’m still trying to decide whether it’s appropriate missionary conduct or not. 😛

That’s all I have time for today! If I get a chance, I’ll try to write more (especially with a spiritual thought) and have Corey post in on my blog, otherwise I’ll share more next week!

Mahal ko kayo!

Love always,
Sister Emma Franks

P.S. My new address will be:
Sister Emma Catherine Franks
Philippines Quezon City Mission
Aurora Blvd. Corner
J. P. Rizal St. Project 4
Cubano 1109 Quezon City, Metro Manilla

I think DearElders are free to the Philippines though, so you might want to check that out first, because it would definitely save time and money if it’s true. 🙂