NaPoWriMo 2024: Day 22

Prompt: a poem in which two things have a fight


It’s been told of an ancient, a sage, who once shared
that each man has two wolves within
and the one that will thrive, as old wisdom imparts
is the one that he chooses to feed

With decades, even centuries, that continue to pass
evolution naturally takes its toll
what once were two wolves, in fierce battle inside
domestication seems to have subdued

In my own soul, you see, live two different canines
smaller, less fierce, and less wild
the bark worse than the bite, more for joy than a fight
softer coats, with faces that smile

One is driven by treats, one lives for affection
both equally willing to work
But in the calmness of days that pass undisturbed
most of their time spent in rest

When danger lurks near, emotional safety is threatened
each soul dog springs to life
One solemn, defensive, the other poised to attack
soon each setting the other off

The “beasts” rage inside me, and anxiety leaks
through lung more often than eye
The brain moves itself to separate, distract
compartmentalize and peace is restored