Prompt: a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color
Never my favorite amongst ROYGBIV
Unflattering against my fair skin, my hair
A color of jaundice, of unwelcome bile
Too “girly” (though not so as pink, to be fair)
Yet I’ve found myself noticing, admiring of late
Tiny evidences of an emerging Spring
The heart of a daisy, the hearty grace of a tulip
The fibers spread before dandelions’ wings
The avocado belly, my banana’s fresh peel
Lemonade, perfect as summer draws near
In a city, I’d perhaps see a taxi or few
But there’s only school busses around here
The most stunning of sights to lately catch my eye
An uninspired soul unexpectedly raised up
Among a sea of crabgrass and wildflower “weeds”
Those tender, bright petals: the buttercup