NaPoWriMo 2021: Day 6

Prompt: Go to a book you love. Find a short line that strikes you. Make that line the title of your poem. Write a poem inspired by the line. Then, after you’ve finished, change the title completely.

“And we need to use our superpowers now.”

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green, Page 318

If there ever were a time when our talents were most needed
It would be this moment now, lest we be defeated

The strength of many far exceeds the skill of just us few
But I will stand up fearlessly and raise my voice with you

We carry no enchanted relics nor sorcery apply
We were not blessed with x-ray sight nor ability to fly

We wear no costume nor disguise to hide identity
But boast a birthright in a land where spoken thought is free

So we equip our silver tongues and advance undeterred
Stones and sticks are no defense against a straight-shot word