NaPoWriMo 2021: Day 11

Prompt: Write a two-part poem, in the form of an exchange of letters.

Dear Tomorrow,
I hope you are well. I hope the sun is shining (I suppose time will tell). Things
around here, as you may recall, have been quite a lot of nothing at all. The
cloudy sky with its trickling wet tears made it easy to hide out and pretend that
we’re free of all obligation, with nowhere to be. No appointment to miss, nor tie
to reality. So I’ve depleted the hours without a care to name, and I pray that you
might be doing the same.
With deepest fondness,

Dear Yesterday,
I remember you often. The connection was strong but is starting to soften, as alas,
the price for your fun is now due. The labor left over that was assigned to you.
But the sun has emerged to dry out the ground, and I believe there are still a few
smiles around. As I charge through the chores, I’ll hum a happier hymn, lest the
delight of the day be lost on a whim. So I’m taking care (much more than some),
to leave less work for the next day to come.
With reticent affection,